About Stimmt Works

About Us

Stimmt Works, located in Zanesville, Ohio, is a manufacturer of high-quality Porsche parts and accessories.

Stimmt Works began in late 2021 as nothing but an idea - after a major service on a 993 911 we had the chance to get our hands on both OEM and aftermarket engine components on the market. Unhappy with the quality this sparked an idea: with our experience building an established manufacturing company not only could we manufacture these parts, but we could make them better.

Putting our manufacturing know-how together with our fondness of anything Porsche we began developing a core line of Porsche parts, tools, and accessories. Stimmt Works is dedicated to offering the highest quality parts on the market, approaching the manufacturing process with a no-compromise, no-cut-corners attitude. Bottom line: if we won't put it on our cars we won't put it in our catalogue.

What Does Stimmt Mean?

There's an exclamation in German - "Das stimmt!" - which translates to "That's right!" or more colloquially "That's for sure!" When the idea for Stimmt Works arose, we knew we wanted to build the company around two things: a passion for manufacturing and a love for Porsche. With our experience building a successful company in the manufacturing industry we knew we could improve on the existing market and create beautiful, high quality parts. The caliber of our parts needed to speak for themselves - and do that they would. It says so right in the name, these parts are perfect for your car. When asked "Did you get those from Stimmt Works?" it says so right on the part: Das Stimmt!